AAP FactCheck Articles

Barnaby's meltdown over nuclear energy claim

The former deputy prime minister claims Australia is the only OECD country that doesn't produce nuclear power.

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Blogger blunders on claim UK vaccinated not more protected against COVID

An Australian advocate for small government claims official UK figures show vaccinations are useless against the coronavirus.

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Diminishing COVID severity claim is a strain on the facts

A video claims that variants become less severe over time but experts say there's no guarantee of any such outcome.

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Face mask hygiene study hijacked by dirty claim

An anti-vaccination activist has misused a study on mask hygiene to assert that wearing face coverings causes respiratory infections.

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NZ does not have the world's most extreme abortion laws

An Australian group is using a US Christian TV segment from 2020 to claim NZ has the most extreme abortions laws in the world.

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NZ student lockdown rumour is uneducated schoolyard gossip

COVID conspiracy believers seem to be behind viral social media posts claiming NZ students will be locked down inside schools for 72 hours.

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Liberal senator misleads in taking credit for deficit cut

Liberal senator Jane Hume claims her party cut $103 billion in its last term in government, but it's not the full story.

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Harsh light shone on claim early morning sun isn't harmful

A dentist is urging his Instagram followers to get out in the sun before 10am, claiming the light does not contain UV rays that cause burns.

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U-turn needed on myocarditis is irreversible claim

Cardiologists have taken a scalpel to an Instagram post which asserts people can't recover from the heart inflammation condition.

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Fake Assange football banner shown the red card

A Facebook post claims Dutch football supporters unfurled a giant banner in support of the WikiLeaks founder.

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Species extinction tally argument is dead and buried

Climate change sceptics are hot and bothered over official data pointing out the number of disappearing animals and plants in Australia.

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Wind turbines claim is a load of hot air

Climate change sceptics allege a Harvard study proves wind power has more impact on global warming than burning fossil fuels.

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Electric vehicle battery fire claim is as weak as water

Critics are driving to great lengths to call into question the fire safety of battery-powered vehicles.

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Truth washes away spurious sea levels claim

A social media post claims 2019 mean sea levels were lower by six centimetres compared with a century ago.

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Reports clear the air around Auckland pollution levels

A social media post claims New Zealand's largest city has seen the greatest increase in air and sea pollution in the last 15 years.

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No, NZ Police is not launching a probe into vaccine deaths

A website notorious for misinformation claims police are planning to investigate vaccination-related deaths in New Zealand.

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No, interest rates are not always higher under Labor

A coalition MP is using recent rate increases to suggest that ALP governments are to blame for ballooning mortgage costs.

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'Hair'-brained evidence used to claim ISS is a hoax

A flat-earther has combed through video footage of an astronaut's hair, declaring it's a "dead giveaway" the International Space Station is fake.

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Buzz Aldrin video exposes flat-earth lunacy over moon landing

A snippet from a video interview with the US astronaut is being used to claim that he admits the moon landing was a hoax.

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False claim links Shinzo Abe to ivermectin as a COVID treatment

An Australian peddler of misinformation is using the former Japanese PM's murder to promote the fallacy an anti-parasitic drug can cure COVID-19.

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