AAP FactCheck Articles

Lots of wriggle room in truth about viral 'earthworm' image

You would need a deep-sea submersible to find the creepy-looking invertebrate doing the rounds on social media.

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Claims of a drastically reduced COVID-19 toll are a real Italian job

Posts claiming proof of recalculated death figures rely on misinterpreted data.

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Claim aged pensioners will be put on cashless debit cards is due for retirement

Several Labor MPs have suggested the coalition government intends to make the move - but evidence to support the claim is scant.

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Viral image is horsing around with the facts

A photo is being circulated with claims a Victorian farmer built an unconventional outdoor structure to avoid council planning laws.

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COVID case meme misleads on Australian fatality rates

A post uses incomplete data to imply the risk of dying with COVID-19 among most age groups is lower than the true figure.

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Queensland hasn't curbed car passengers using mobile phones

The state recently introduced new rules on phone use in vehicles, leading to claims front-seat passengers can be fined for being on their devices.

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Cashless welfare card cost is way off the money

Claims government contractor Indue is paid $10,000 annually for each card it manages under the Australian welfare trial rely on some old and misinterpreted figures.

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PM's claim about Labor's 2019 electric car policy is all gas

Scott Morrison famously labelled the opposition's proposals as "the war on the weekend" - although his stance on EVs has notably softened since.

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Child health concerns didn't prompt new Pfizer vaccine ingredient

A video suggests without evidence that a new ingredient in the vaccine is to prevent five-year-olds having heart attacks and strokes.

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Vaccines don't make people sicker if they get COVID

Posts circulating in PNG claim vaccinations cause a serious immune response when people get infected, leading to worse outcomes.

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No, 10-year-olds aren't being fined for going maskless in Victoria

Some mask rules apply to children aged 12 and over in the state, but a federal minister claims even younger kids are receiving fines.

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Polio is caused by a virus, not 'industrial toxins'

The infectious disease has been largely eradicated due to vaccination, but that hasn't stopped baseless claims about its cause circulating online.

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Suggestion vaccinated COVID-19 patients dominate Israel hospitals is 'fake news'

Noted for his dramatic political statements, Clive Palmer has taken to social media to make a bold claim about vaccines.

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No, most vaccinated pregnant women in NZ haven't miscarried

Flawed calculations and apparently concocted data form the basis of a meme being shared in the country.

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England COVID deaths data misused in false vaccine efficacy claim

Data from the UK's public health agency doesn't provide proof that people who are vaccinated are more likely to die.

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Queensland isn't planning to put unvaccinated residents in 'quarantine camps'

A selectively edited news clip has been used to claim the Sunshine State has a plan for people without the COVID jab.

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Australian-US eagle comparison doesn't fly

Bill Clinton once described the bald eagle as "the living symbol" of US democracy, but a meme contrasting it with Australia's wedge-tailed eagle has ruffled a few feathers.

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No, New Zealand wasn't left lawless without a governor-general

A social media post claims a gap between terms meant the country was under "rogue governance".

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Autopsies provide clear proof of COVID-19 deaths

COVID-deniers say no one is actually dying from the coronavirus, but the evidence suggests otherwise.

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No, the Amish aren't free from COVID and other diseases

The rural lifestyle of Amish religious communities has made them a healthy group, but they're still susceptible to contagious illnesses.

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