AAP FactCheck Articles

‘Atheist’ Iceland post mixes fact and fiction

AAP FactCheck examined each claim mentioned in the post and found a mixture of true and false information.

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Does Australia have close to 90 days of oil reserves?

“Well, on our definition, they're close to 90 days and that includes stock on water, which is an important part of this.” Federal energy Minister Angus Taylor. September 16, 2019.

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‘Best way to predict your future’ quote has no link to Lincoln

A Facebook post features a quote purporting to be from former US president Abraham Lincoln.

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Were 10,000 jobs lost in Tasmania under the Labor-Greens government that held power from 2010 to 2014?

“No matter how she shuffles the deckchairs, the fact remains, that after five and a half years in opposition, Labor still has no long-term plan for Tasmania’s economic future, nor apologised for the 10,000 jobs lost under the last Labor-Green Government.” Tasmanian Leader of the House Michael Ferguson. September 13, 2019.

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Did the father of a Tamil asylum seeker family travel from Australia while his immigration case was before the courts?

“The father in the case has travelled from Australia, whilst he’s been here, with his matters still in the courts.” Federal Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton. September 12, 2019.

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Scott Morrison “private sector” welfare quote not accurate

Then-Social Services Minister Scott Morrison gave a speech at the Australian Council of Social Service (‘ACOSS’) on June 26, 2015, detailing his desire for the private sector to invest more in the welfare system.

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ALDI gift box giveaway is fake

Aldi Fans’ post claimed the promotion was being held to celebrate ALDI’s “grand 75th anniversary” in 2019.

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'Never too old' motivational quote not C S Lewis

C.S. Lewis was born in 1898 and was known for his writing, especially in the fantasy genre with The Chronicles of Narnia series one of his most famous works. He was also a theologian who wrote many books on Christianity.

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Snake venom can't move claim not entirely accurate: experts

ECT4Health’s claim venom transport in the lymphatic system is entirely passive is “not necessarily” true, according to the University of Melbourne’s toxinology expert Dr Timothy Jackson.

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“New” Queensland road rules post makes a wrong turn

AAP FactCheck examined each road rule mentioned in the post and found that all the rules do exist under current legislation. However AAP FactCheck has also confirmed that the rules have been in place for more than 10 years: having entered into force in Queensland’s Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Road Rules) Regulation 2009.

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Has there been a reduction in global carbon emissions as a result of Australia’s gas exports?

“We are seeing a reduction in emissions as a result of Australia's gas exports.” Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor. August 30, 2019.

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Al Gore glaciers post melts under scrutiny

Glaciers form when snow and ice accumulates in one location for a prolonged period and forms a thickened ice mass, according to the US-based National Snow and Ice Data Center. Due to their mass, glaciers have the ability to move under their own weight. According to the Center, glaciers currently occupy 10 per cent of the world’s land area store 69 per cent of the world's fresh water.

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“Emotional reaction” quote falsely attributed to Warren Buffett

AAP FactCheck examined the purported Warren Buffett quote and found it has been attributed to other famous people, including actor and martial arts star Bruce Lee and Indian independence leader Gandhi.

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Campbell’s Soup “Customer Service” reply is fake

Campbell Soup Company is an American food and drinks multinational that was founded in 1869. The company’s canned soup featured in an iconic artwork created by artist Andy Warhol in 1962.

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Photo of soldier and jaguar not related to Amazon fires

AAP FactCheck traced the photo of the Brazilian soldier and the jaguar to Brazilian photographer, None Manguiera, who first posted the image to her Facebook page in March 2016.

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Has the number of self-harm incidents by people in offshore detention increased by 130 per cent since the Medevac law?

“One of the most alarming aspects, again as predicted at the time, is that the number of people self harming has dramatically increased, in fact up by 130 per cent after these laws came in and people are harming themselves so that they can come to Australia.” Peter Dutton, Home Affairs Minister. August 27, 2019.

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‘Woodstock’ cabling photo is from a 1994 Peter Gabriel album

The Woodstock Festival was held over three days in August 1969 at a dairy farm in Bethel, New York and became “synonymous with the counterculture movement of the 1960s”. Among the acts who performed were Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Santana, The Grateful Dead and Sly and The Family Stone.

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Woman caught with items under robe video not from Australia

AAP FactCheck found the video first accompanying a story published by UK newspaper The Telegraph on August 7, 2019.

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Worldwide coal plants claim is inaccurate

The Facebook post did not include a reference for the claimed power station statistics.

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Fluoride ingredient claim in Prozac is false

Prozac is a prescription-based drug used to treat major depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

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