Make a Submission

If you see a contentious claim that has been directly quoted in the news media, or a suspect piece of social media content, please share it with AAP FactCheck.

Please review our claim selection criteria within Our Processes before making a submission. All emails to must include:

  1. Your full name
  2. Preferred contact number
  3. Your company or employer (if relevant)

PLEASE NOTE that we do not accept anonymous requests.

For details of how we use your personal information, please see the AAP Privacy Policy at

If you are submitting a statement for checking, please answer all of the following:

  1. What statement would you like verified?
  2. Why do you believe this statement needs checking?
  3. Who made the statement?
  4. When was it made?
  5. Where did you see it published/broadcast?

Attach a copy of the claim, or a link to the published claim, if possible.

You can also contact AAP FactCheck via email at to:

  • highlight social media content for verification
  • provide feedback
  • make a complaint
  • request information
  • request a correction.