New Report: Program Achieves 12 Days a Year Back for Teacher Wellbeing
SYDNEY, Nov. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A Federal Government funded program has been found to significantly improve teacher wellbeing and save teachers nearly 100 hours a year.
It's a well established fact that Australian teachers are struggling to balance an ever increasing workload, including finding the time to prepare their lessons.
Over15,000 teachersinmorethan1,000 schoolswiththegreatestsocio-educational disadvantage participated in the 2023 program.
The research has highlighted that helping schools to access high quality materials for all learning areas could save 20 million teacher hours a year.
"Teachers need high quality lessons and supporting materials that are easily accessible, curriculum aligned and adjustable as they juggle the demands of the job."
This view is supported by teachers on the ground. Trisha Chapman, a teacher from Tom Price Primary school in WA says "So much to love about Inquisitive! It's a brilliant and valuable program for all educators. It has honestly alleviated so much stress and planning time this year and allowed me to have a greater work-life balance."
Echuca East Primary School agrees. After a year's access to Inquisitive programs, the school decided to base all of their units of work on the Inquisitive lessons because of the benefits it gives its teachers. "It saves us so much planning time that we can now dedicate to looking at data and the needs of the students".
About Inquisitive
InquisitiveisAustralia'sleading creatorofexemplaryqualitylessonsandassessmentsfor primaryschools,withworld-leadinglesson deliveryandplanningtools.
Founded in 2016, Inquisitive has grown to be used and trusted by 70% of Australian primary schools, and saves classroom teachers 94.4 hours a year.
About the Center for Evidence and Implementation
CEIisaleading globalnot-for-profit,working withgovernmentandnon-governmentclients totrial,testandevaluatepolicies andprogramstodrivemore effectivedecisionsanddeliver betteroutcomes.
About the Emerging Priorities Program
The purpose of the Australian Department of Education's Emerging Priorities Program (EPP) istofundprojectsthatassistschool communitiestorespond toemergingprioritiesinschool education.TheEPPOpen CompetitiveGrantOpportunitywasconductedinearly2022 to fundon-the-groundsupport forschools.
Additional background information - Grattan Institute:
Making time for great teaching: How better government policy canhelp
Ending the Lesson Lottery: How to improve curriculum planning in schools

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