Frequently Asked Questions

AAP is trusted to provide a baseline of accurate, impartial public interest journalism essential to Australian democracy. As a not-for-profit charity, AAP’s charitable objectives commit the newswire to advancing social and public welfare, advancing education and promoting mutual respect and tolerance between Australians through the distribution of high quality, accurate, fact-based news and information.

AAP distributes to hundreds of news outlets across the country and serves the public in an environment plagued by misinformation and disinformation through the work of AAP FactCheck. 

Australian Associated Press

What is Australian Associated Press?

AAP has been described as the backbone of the media sector, delivering hundreds of news stories, images and multimedia content to its customers around the clock, 365 days a year. AAP employs professional journalists, photographers and producers who produce content that is ready-to-use for all platforms and channels.

AAP’s core business is the newswire, which provides public interest journalism to a range of customers – media, corporate entities, government, education and sporting bodies for reproduction or monitoring purposes. The newswire has a well-deserved and trusted reputation for accurate, balanced and reliable content.

AAP FactCheck is a specialist unit within AAP leading the fight against mis and disinformation online in our region. Our team is made up of specialist journalists, trained in traditional and digital fact checking methods. AAP FactCheck is also the largest independent fact checking partner of Meta and TikTok in the region.

Is AAP a not-for-profit charity with deductible gift recipient (DGR) status?

Yes. AAP’s new business structure as a charity commenced on 4 August, 2020. AAP’s DGR status commenced in the financial year 2021/2022 and is due for renewal after five years. 

AAP’s charitable objectives are/can be found here.

All donations to AAP are tax deductible. To support us and our public interest journalism please click here.

Who are AAP's news media subscribers?

AAP has hundreds of news and media subscribers. More than 60 percent of our news media subscribers are in regional Australia. No other distributor of public interest journalism has such broad distribution or underpins the operations of as many Australian media outlets as AAP. Our subscribers range from major metropolitan publications to hundreds of smaller titles and radio stations in regional areas.

Does AAP sell photos to the public?

AAP takes and publishes hundreds of images from around Australia each day, and distributes images from our international agency partners. Members of the public can buy award-winning images via AAP Photos. Your organisation can also purchase an image subscription based on its usage by contacting sales at


I can't log into my Newsroom account

Firstly, please check the following:

Have you entered the correct username/password combination?

Remember usernames and passwords are case-sensitive 

Is the Caps Lock key on?

If you are still experiencing problems, or have forgotten your username or password, please contact your account manager, or contact us here.

For out of hours support, please call +61 2 9322 8727 

I can't find a certain story in my newswire feed or subscription

Do any of the following apply?

  • The story may not have been coded for the service you subscribe to and is unavailable.
  • The story may have been removed by our editorial staff for legal or content reasons.
  • The story may be old and has been purged from the database.
  • The story may not be part of your subscription.

If you would like to know more, please contact your account manager, or contact us here.

My text service is failing

In the case of your service for receiving text/stories from AAP dropping out, we can provide access to a back up platform to access text content.

If you receive a continuous service via an automated feed, we recommend that clients monitor disk space, to avoid any disruption to your service. Regular dumping of files will be required.

Please contact your account manager, or contact us here.

My subscription is unavailable

Please consider the following:

Are you able to connect to another website?

If not, are there technical issues affecting your internet connection?

If you’re only experiencing a problem with an AAP site, please contact your account manager or contact us here.

I've received a copyright infringement notice from PicRights claiming to be on behalf of AAP. Is this a scam?

No, this is not a scam.

AAP is the intellectual property rights holder to thousands of images taken by AAP photographers in the course of our news gathering. It is critical to our business that this content is licensed appropriately. 
Accordingly, AAP has engaged the services of PicRights, which operates globally via subsidiaries and affiliates in key markets, to monitor the internet for unlicensed uses of AAP's images. 
If you receive a notice from PicRights on behalf of AAP please resolve the matter directly with PicRights via their online portal PicRights quoting at all times any case numbers provided. 


I am a photographer in Australia and would like to work for AAP

AAP is Australia’s only independent national newswire service. We have a small team of Australian based staff photographers covering news, politics and sport. We also have an extensive network of freelancers across Australia that we use as required. Please email a link to your portfolio and a biography to if you wish to be added to our freelance database.

I am a photographer overseas and would like to work for AAP

AAP is Australia’s only independent national newswire service. Our international coverage comes from extensive partnerships we have with some of the biggest news agencies including EPA, Reuters and AP. Unfortunately we don’t engage photographers overseas to cover news or sporting events as this is sourced through our partner agencies.

I am a student. Do you offer work experience or internships?

AAP fields countless requests for work experience and internships and while it’s always great to hear from those enthusiastic about a possible career in journalism, unfortunately we have restrictions on work experience or internship programs. We have connections with a range of universities and when opportunities arise, we will make these public and accept applications from final-year communications students only.

I am studying journalism at university. Does AAP offer cadetships?

AAP has a long proud history of training young journalists and preparing them for a career in the media industry and beyond. The cadetship program is advertised annually. We look forward to welcoming our next intake of cadets in early 2025.

How can I apply to work at AAP?

AAP only accepts applications for advertised roles. You can find AAP's available roles by keeping an eye on our social media sites, LinkedIN and Seek.

Content and Advertising

I'm an AAP subscriber and want to use the logo on my website, how can I do this?

The AAP logo may only be used by AAP customers as a way to identify content provided by AAP.  It may not be used to imply a relationship when there is none. AAP may provide consent for other uses (such as identifying a commercial relationship or donation) upon request. 
When using the AAP logo, the following guidelines apply:
  • The AAP logo should not be used smaller than 20px
  • The black and white logo is the preferred logo 
  • The inverse logo is only to be used where the black and white logo cannot, such as over images 
AAP's brand marks can be found here and are the only approved logos for use outside of the organisation. 

My business would like to advertise on your platform. Does AAP accept advertising?

AAP has a Charter of Editorial Independence that requires AAP to be free of the influence of advertisers and other bias, so does not accept advertising on any platform.

I work with a business who would like to collaborate on content. Does AAP accept paid editorial or advertorial content?

AAP needs to adhere to certain editorial standards, free of influence as part of our Charter of Editorial Independence, so we do not accept paid editorial or advertorial content for distribution via the Newswire. If you wish to distribute press releases please contact us.

My publications/website produces fantastic content that would resonate with AAP’s subscribers, how can we distribute via the newswire?

In order to maintain our editorial independence and the integrity of the newswire, all AAP content is produced by AAP staff, commissioned freelancers and international partner agencies. AAP does not accept editorial content from third parties for distribution on the newswire.

I’m a writer and I have an article I think AAP would love. Do you accept contributions?

All content distributed via the newswire is at the discretion of AAP’s editor and our editorial team. We do not accept unsolicited content submissions. If you wish to distribute a press release please email If you wish to find out about working for AAP please see above.