Whizdom Craftz Samyan Partners with Knightsbridge Partners for Overseas Buyers, Allocating 100 Units for 1.7 Billion Baht, Confident of Rama IV's Appeal
HONG KONG, March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "Whizdom Craftz Samyan" by MQDC has again created a stir in the Thai real estate industry by linking up with Knightsbridge Partners to reach overseas buyers,confidentlytargetingforeignpurchaserswith100condounitstotaling 1.7billionbaht with its outstanding location at the heart of "Samyan Rama IV".
Mr.AssadaKaeokhiao,ChiefCustomerExperienceOfficerofMQDC, said:"Whizdom Craftz Samyan is a special sub-brand within Whizdom with distinctive features and selling points based on 'craft' in each detail and overall design. Its sought-after neighborhood is at the heart of the city in an attractive area surrounded by amenities, with educational institutions,offices,andThailand'stop-rankedmedicalcenters,aprimelocation forresidents from all over the world.
"Whizdom Craftz Samyan freehold condominium is in a top location at the heart of Samyan, RamaIV,withtheconcept of'CraftzYourFuture'targeting thenewgenerationwithitsunique design and location amid lifestyle amenities. Land here is among the hardest to acquire in Bangkokrealestate sothedevelopmentoffersinvestors highgrowthpotential.Knightsbridge Partners is expert in selling Thai property to foreign customers so has reserved 100 units valued at 1.7 billion baht," Mr. Assada said.
Mr. Kingston Lai, Founder and CEO of Knightsbridge Partners, an expert in selling condos in international markets, said: "Whizdom Craftz Samyan's uniqueness will ensure its appeal to customers interested in lifestyle and investment. Our market research found that WhizdomCraftzSamyan meets the needs of customers who want a central location convenient for living and getting around the city, with access to roads and the underground network. Bangkok's key business roads Silom, Sukhumvit, Sathorn are 15-20 minutes away.
"For customers seeking a second home in Thailand for long-term relocation, Samyan meets their needs in lifestyle, business, and travel with a safe and attractive setting. This location offersclassicandvibrant contemporarylivingforpeopleofallgenerations.Therearealsofull amenitiesincludingtraditionalshops,restaurants,street food,departmentstores, andleading hospitals.
"Meticulous functional design in homes and common areas supports 'Work from Anywhere' lifestyles. There are extensive co-working and meeting spaces with a relaxing atmosphere. Spacious balconies offer views over the city. A swimming pool connects to a green zone of over 2,000 sqm for residents to experience nature in the heart of the city every day. Smart innovationsenhance lifestyles,includinggoodairquality. A24-hour securitysystem usesBig Data to manage the area.
"The project has world-class standards yet is still affordable and great value for money compared with condos in the markets we serve such as Hong Kong and the UK. Considering allthemarket elements,we'reconfidentofsellingmanyunitsaround theworldtohomebuyers looking to invest in a great condo in Bangkok or seeking a second home," Mr. Lai said.
Whizdom Craftz Samyan is a 55-storey high-rise condominium in an outstanding location in SamyanbyRamaIVandMRTSamyanwithresidences,pricestartingfrom7.99million baht.
Booknowtoviewtheshowunitathttps://mqdc.link/4654TO5 or get more details on +662 020 111.
About MQDC
MagnoliaQualityDevelopmentCorporationLimited(MQDC) isapropertydeveloperdedicated to "Pioneering in Sustainnovation for All Well-Being" to create happiness and well-being for all life.
MQDC develops residential projects, themed projects, and mixed-use projects under the brands "Magnolias", "Whizdom", "The Aspen Tree", "Mulberry Grove", and "The Forestias". Design and construction meet thecompany's exacting standardsand residences are covered by a 30-year warranty reflecting their excellent quality.
Booknowtovisittheproject andgainspecial privilegesattheMQDCCallCenteron+662020 111.
Findoutmoreat www.mqdc.com
About Whizdom
We provide inspiration and innovation to serve the new generation's ever-evolving lifestyles and create a community that shares knowledge and realizes potential. Whizdom researches new-genlivingtobuildconnectionsanddevelopinnovationsthatmeeteverylifestyleneed. We're creating a youthful community that gathers skills and knowledge while building a business platform that continues to evolve and advance.
About KnightsbridgePartners
KnightsbridgePartnersistheexclusiveMasterAgentrepresentingglobaldevelopers(primarily from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, and the United Kingdom) in the distribution of their real estate inventories to their network of agency partners. The company is headquarteredinHongKongandfoundedbyMr.Kingston Lai. Prior to the founding of Knightsbridge Partners, Kingston was an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley Hong Kongwhere he oversaw institutional sales & distribution to financial institutions in Southeast Asia. Hehasbeen aseasonedinvestmentbanker for12years,hasheldsimilar rolesatseveral other investment banks in London, Singapore, and most recently Hong Kong. Knightsbridge Partners and its strong team of former investment bankers challenge themselves to reinvent thewaysreal estateproductsare being packagedand marketed toinvestors.Thishasled to thesuccessofthecompanyindistributingmorethan10,000 unitsofinternationalresidential properties over the past 10 years through its network of agencies around the world. www.knightsbridge-partners.com
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SOURCE Knightsbridge Partners

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