Floship CEO Josh Tsui to Deliver Executive Vision Talk on Future of Logistics Technology & Accept Award at New York?s Lead Innovation Summit

July 05, 2023

Tsui to touch on the companys future ambitions & strategic road map including supply chain circularity and the portals AI capabilities

NEW YORK and HONG KONG, July 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Floship, a leading global circular supply chain solutions provider, today announced its participation in The Lead Innovation Summit, a leading strategy conference for global decision-makers and executives in todays retail and consumer industries. The conference takes place in New York City between 12 & 13 July.

Floship CEO Josh Tsui will deliver his Vision Talk on Wednesday, 12 July during the session Optimizing Digital Commerce Opportunity fielding questions from Dawit Heck of Bain Capital Ventures. Tsui will share information about Floship, his strategic vision, as well as the companys transformational ambitions including his thoughts on the future of generative AI in e-commerce to an audience of 2000+ executives from major global brand retailers.

As part of his talk, Tsui will share information about Floships holistic circular supply chain ecosystem, illustrating how it connects every core component across the value chain from the manufacturer, warehouse systems, delivery mechanisms, and returns solutions through a wholly integrated platform.

Also at The Summit, Floship will be among the companies recognized on The Leads Leading 100 List in an award ceremony, which honors innovative tech start-ups that are driving the future of brand-to-consumer businesses, especially in helping these businesses adopt circular supply chains.