Manipulated TV footage used to spread false 'chemtrails' claim

James McManagan February 21, 2025
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Original footage from a news and current affairs show has been altered by editing out key words. Image by AAP/Facebook


An Australian TV presenter has said we're being slowly poisoned by aircraft "chemtrails".


False. Footage has been edited to misrepresent what was being said.

AAP FACTCHECK - A clip from a current affairs talk show has been manipulated to make it appear as if the presenter says people are being "slowly poisoned by chemtrails".

In the original TV segment from Australia's Network 10, presenter Angela Bishop refers to "chemtrails" as a "conspiracy theory" and an "allegation".

Experts have previously told AAP FactCheck the long white clouds seen behind planes are not poisonous "chemtrails" but condensation trails, also called contrails. 

Contrails form when water vapour condenses into ice particles around exhaust emitted from jet engines.

A plane departing the airport. So-called chemtrails are actually condensation trails from engine exhaust. (James Ross/AAP PHOTOS)

A Facebook post features a video of Ms Bishop saying "chemtrails are happening and that they are for climate engineering" and "we're all being slowly poisoned".

The text overlay on the post reads: "Chemtrails acknowledged on Australian television".

However, the footage of Ms Bishop speaking has been edited to change the meaning of her words.

A reverse image search of a frame from the video reveals that the original segment was posted on YouTube on May 23, 2019. 

In the original footage, Ms Bishop says: "Well have you heard the theory that we're all being bombarded with a cocktail of chemicals from on high.

"The allegation is that those white vapour trails in the sky left by aircraft are evidence of a government weather modification cover up and in the process we're all being slowly poisoned. 

"So, is this a baseless conspiracy theory or something sinister that we should be taking seriously?"

TV presenter Angela Bishop TV presenter Angela Bishop features in the altered video. (Brendon Thorne/AAP PHOTOS)

The original clip, which was part of a segment called "Conspiracy Week", then moves to a debate between a prominent "chemtrail" proponent and a retired air controller Ken McLeod.

The manipulated video presents the chemtrail proponent's argument, but cuts out Mr McLeod's rebuttal.

The segment's overlay, seen in both the Facebook post and original broadcast, includes videos purporting to demonstrate evidence of chemtrails.

However, as explained in the original segment by Mr McLeod (05:23), the trails seen in the overlay are naturally occurring vapour trails, not evidence of chemical spraying.

"Those video clips show aerodynamic condensation," he says. "At low altitudes with high humidity, pressure drops over the wings or from wingtip vortices can cause condensation. It's commonly seen near airports, especially on rainy days." 

AAP FactCheck has previously debunked claims that chemtrails are dangerous and designed to change the weather, including misinformation about roll clouds.

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