NZ National Party builds a flawed case against Green Party housing plan targets
feed_watermarkAugust 13, 2020
AAP FactCheck Investigation: Does the NZ Green Party have a track record of failing to deliver on its housing targets?
The Statement
"They should have delivered 16,000 KiwiBuild houses by now. They've only managed just around 400. And so to promise 5,000 extra houses a year is nothing more than just wishful thinking and is destined to go the same way as KiwiBuild."
Jacqui Dean, National Party housing spokesperson, August 10, 2020.
It is worth reiterating the government is no longer working towards the KiwiBuild targets quoted by Ms Dean, having reset its housing goals in September 2019 after admitting flaws in the program.
Regardless, AAP FactCheck found Ms Dean's claim 16,000 KiwiBuild houses should already have been completed by August 2020 to be inaccurate, with the government originally setting that target for June 2021.
Ms Dean's related claim that only around 400 Kiwibuild homes had been completed was also not correct. June 2020 data indicates 452 KiwiBuild homes are complete.
False - The checkable claim is false.
* AAP FactCheck is accredited by the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network, which promotes best practice through a stringent and transparent Code of Principles.
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