This section contains AAP’s policies on how we protect your privacy, our service terms, our refunds and cancellations policy and details about copyright infringement. Our policy on interacting with AAP on social media is also below.

3. AAP Releases (AAPR) Terms and Conditions

4. AAP Refunds and Cancellations

6. Copyright Infringements

AAP is the intellectual property rights holder to thousands of images taken by AAP photographers in the course of our news gathering. It is critical to our business that this content is licensed appropriately. 
Accordingly, AAP has engaged the services of PicRights, which operates globally via subsidiaries and affiliates in key markets, to monitor the internet for unlicensed uses of AAP's images. 
If you receive a notice from PicRights on behalf of AAP please resolve the matter directly with PicRights via their online portal PicRights quoting at all times any case numbers provided.